Monday 26 March 2007

Help save the Olive Trees of Cyprus

I like to help this organisation and i am supporting them by putting up their request on my blog. Kindly read through and help save these precious ancient trees if you can. Make a difference.
"Help save an ancient olive tree, Self fınancıng sounds like a great ıdea and it is. But this method only works as far as we have enough customers to move the trees to. Unfortunately we have more trees than customers. Our very strength is also our weakness.
What do we do when we are offered 40 trees to take away and we only have homes available for just 8 of them? Some of these are taken to the Sanctuary at our expense and roughly 10% of the trees we save, for one reason or another, end up there.
But moving trees costs money.
If you would like to help us in our efforts, you can.
For around $200 you too can be a tree saviours.
For this amount, you can become the proud sponsor of a mature olive tree, which we will take care of at our Sanctuary. The tree will be named after you and we will send you pictures and keep you regularly informed.
We feel very silly asking for financial support, but it's the only way we can save even more trees."

If you have the spare money and care about ancient olive trees, please make a donation via Paypal, by visiting their website

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